Dealing with a dental emergency near Bacchus Marsh? Contact Dental@Melton to book an appointment straight away!
Dental emergencies are unfortunately a part of our lives. Treating dental emergencies promptly makes your treatment and recovery easier. Some of the common dental emergencies we have treated are listed below.
- Broken tooth
- Pain/infection in your teeth
- Abscess or Swelling of the face.
- Accident involving your teeth.
- Knocked out tooth.
- Broken orthodontic wire/retainer.
- Dislodged crown or bridge.
At Dental@Melton, we are fully equipped with the latest technologies and the latest clinical training to handle dental emergencies comfortably for you in a pain-free manner. We strive to prioritise dental emergencies and have daily appointments blocked in our diary to accommodate any dental emergencies swiftly.
We will assess your dental emergency and offer recommended treatment promptly including but not limited to
- Dental extractions,
- Root canal treatment
- Deep cleaning of teeth
- Drainage of abscess
- Management of pain
- Application of medicaments
- Temporary restorations/bonding
- Prescription of drugs via a script
- Facilitate referrals and follow-up appointments as needed.
If you or your loved one has suffered from any dental emergencies near Bacchus Marsh, please call Dental@Melton at 03 95879003 or click on book now button to book an appointment right away!